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Simple Veterans Day Craft and Letter to a Soldier

Veterans Day was first established in 1919, on the first anniversary of the end of World War I. Years later, we still celebrate Veterans new and old on November 11th. It’s a day of remembrance for those serving and who have served in our United States Military.

There are usually speeches, parades and church services held in towns and cities across the States. The American flag is often seen hung at half mast, as a symbol of respect. Sometimes, you may hear of a two minute period of silence being held at 11am. While we should celebrate our soldiers daily, this is a special day for many people. Since children don’t always understand the significance of this day, a fun Veterans Day craft to explain it can be helpful.

Writing Prompts Included in This Craft

This Veterans Day Craft comes with five different writing prompts that allow students to express themselves. They are differentiated so you can use them multiple years in a row with a different writing template.

The first writing prompt invites kids to think about how they can celebrate and remember soldiers who have served. The prompt says, “On Veterans Day, I can …”. Students can use this blank space to write about how they might celebrate family members who are or were in the military. They may also brainstorm ideas to help others understand this day.

The next prompt is simply titled Veterans Day. Students can write facts about this special day or about someone they know that is a veteran.

Veterans Day Craft representing men and women and a letter from a student.

More Veterans Day Writing Prompts

The third prompt is similar to the first but instead of celebrating Veterans Day, it celebrates Memorial Day. This allows you to use the craft twice a year instead of just once. This prompt says, “On Memorial Day, I can…”. Students can again, write about what they can do on Memorial Day to commemorate loved ones or soldiers.

The fourth prompt is titled Memorial Day, allowing students to write facts about Memorial Day. This prompt leaves it open for students to write anything relevant to Memorial Day.

My Favorite Veterans Day Craft Writing Prompt

The final writing prompt is my favorite. It is in letter format so students can write a letter to a Veteran. It says, “Dear Soldier” and is signed “Your Friend”. Students can write a letter to a soldier they know or to an anonymous soldier. In this letter, they can express their gratitude for the soldier’s service. They can write anything they want. This craft and letter will make a great addition to care packages for these remarkable men and women. I know when my husband received letters from children at schools, it brought him happiness at hard times. 

Veterans Day Craft representing men and women and a letter from a student.
This cut and paste project will be great for Veteran’s Day and holds a special place in my heart as my husband is in the Marine Corp Reserves and was previously active duty.  It is so important to teach our children about the commitment and sacrifices these men and women make to keep our country safe and hopefully this project acts as an aid in teaching them about that on Veteran’s Day.

You can grab the whole bundle of Military Crafts, which includes crafts for all of the military branches! Check it out HERE.

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Veteran soldier craft for kids
Picture of Laura Bensley

Laura Bensley

Former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.

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Laura Bensley Crafty Bee Creations

HI, I'm Laura

Hi, Iโ€™m Laura and I am the creator of Crafty Bee Creations.ย  I am a former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.ย  I have a passion for designing craft resources that are not only fun and engaging but work childrenโ€™s fine motor skills too!ย 


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