Oh my word, do I have some of the cutest bulletin board pictures to share with you today. My daughter’s preschool used multiple projects of mine to create one epic Christmas themed bulletin board. I have dreamt of a day where I would walk and see my projects hanging in school halls and today my heart felt full. This preschool comes up with some of the neatest bulletin board I’ve ever seen and as they use my projects I’ll continue to take more pictures and share them with you all. I love how they take my simple craft patterns, have the kids complete them, and turn into a blown out hallway scene the kids can enjoy as they walk by all month. Take a look, man did these kiddos do an AWESOME job on these crafts!
Stocking Cut and Paste (This one is free!) Be sure to grab it from my store and have students work on writing their name at the top.
Ornament Cut and Paste I love how they jazzed this one up by having students do different color ornaments and decorating a tree with them.
Want any easy way to wrap a small worksheet, card, or poem from your students to their family members for Christmas? Have your kids make this craft and then place one of those goodies behind it. Tape, glue, staple it. Be creative! I also love the idea of putting something they made (think handprint or footprint) in a small photo frame and then laying this craft on top of it. It will be a cute way they “wrapped” their own present!
These patterns are also a part of two of my Christmas Bundles (bundles= more projects, less money!)
Christmas Cut and Paste SetTis the Season Cut and Paste Set
Alright what did you think? Feel free to share your thoughts below. I’d love to hear them! I’ll have more bulletin board pics coming soon! Stay tuned.
4 Responses
Can you send me the pdf for the letters! Stockings were hung by the chimney with care?
I can pay for it!
Hi there! Sorry I don’t have a pdf file for the letters. They were made by a teacher using cardboard tracers they had.
Hi, excuse me , do know what is the material that you used for doing the chimney?
I believe they just used large red bulletin board paper.