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Create a Love Bug Name Craft for Valentine’s Day

Whether you’re about to celebrate Valentine’s Day or just need a fun activity to get your little ones practicing their name, this Love Bug Craft is a must! It’s the perfect Valentine’s Day craft to hang on your bulletin board, give as a gift or do as a classroom reward. It’s simple to print, easy to customize and kids love it. Take a look at the ways you can use this Valentine’s Day craft below.

Valentine's Day Craft

Preparing the Love Bug Craft

Getting this Love Bug Craft ready is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3! Grab the Love Bug Template from my shop, download it, and print it onto the paper of your choice. I like to print several hearts onto a variety of colors and let the kids choose their colors. Have kids cut out the hearts and love bug pieces or pre-cut them before you start the activity. Either an adult or the child can write the letters of their name on each heart. Then, they put the letters in order to form their name.

Valentine's Day Craft


The finished Love Bug craft is a great piece of decoration for February and Valentine’s Day!

Once all of the letters are glued together, kids attach the love bug’s head, legs, and antennae! Attach as many legs as you want. I like to do one for each body segment to make it look like a caterpillar.

Now what?

Kids can give these sweet love bugs to friends or family or hang them up on a bulletin board to celebrate February. The bulletin board can say, “Our Little Love Bugs” or “Room 102’s Love Bugs”, etc! Kids will love seeing their names up on the wall. It always makes them feel welcome in the room and reassures them that they are part of a community.

If you want kids to be able to re-create their names over and over, laminate the hearts and kids can write their name with a dry erase marker. If you don’t want kids writing on the pieces, write letters on the hearts before laminating them so students have to find the letters needed for their name. Be sure to do a variety of upper and lower case letters so they can capitalize their name. Attach velcro to the pieces and they can build their love bugs over and over for extra practice.

Other Ways to Use The Valentine’s Day Craft

Using this Valentine’s Day craft in the classroom provides lots of options! The craft is a wonderful addition to a classroom celebration. If you are having a little Valentine’s Day party, this is a great Valentine’s Day Craft for the kids. It’s easy to put together and gets them practicing their fine motor and writing skills.

Valentine's Day Craft - Craft is pictured with multiple crayons and colored magnetic letters.

Add this craft to your literacy centers and let students further practice their name recognition by laying magnetic letters on their love bug. They will then have built their name using the craft and manipulatives in the room.

I would love to hear how you and your kiddos use the Love Bug Craft this February or throughout the year! Leave me a comment below!

Check out the Love Bug Name Craft being made below!ย 

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Valentine Craft
Picture of Laura Bensley

Laura Bensley

Former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.

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Laura Bensley Crafty Bee Creations

HI, I'm Laura

Hi, Iโ€™m Laura and I am the creator of Crafty Bee Creations.ย  I am a former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.ย  I have a passion for designing craft resources that are not only fun and engaging but work childrenโ€™s fine motor skills too!ย 


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