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My Favorite Insect Craft Activity that Kids Will Love

Do you and your kids learn about insects in the spring? They’re fascinating creatures with their six legs, 3 body parts, antennae, and wings! Kids absolutely love learning about all the different kinds of bugs there are in our world. Make learning about them more exciting by completing my favorite insect craft! It’s perfect for learning about letters of the alphabet and sharing favorite insects. Keep reading to learn some fun ways to use this craft.

What is an Insect?

An insect is a bug that has six legs, three body parts including a head, thorax, and abdomen, two antennae, and a pair of wings.

Kids often don’t realize that all bugs aren’t insects. Spiders aren’t insects and neither are worms. Learning about insects is a fun way to teach kids about classifications of animals and the creatures of our world.

What’s Included in This Insect Craft?

This Insect Craft is perfect for spring and a study on insects! It comes with 11 different bugs to choose from and attach to the craft. The insects included are an Ant, Bee, Butterfly, Caterpillar, Dragonfly, Fly, Grasshopper, Ladybug, Snail, Spider, and a Worm.

I realize some of these aren’t insects, but I had to include a spider, snail, and worm since MANY kids love these creepy and slimy critters.

Also included in this craft are a few different writing templates. Use “My Favorite Insect is a…” or “My Favorite Insect is an…” This writing template is the piece that gets glues to the top of the insect jar template that the little kid is holding. The kid and jar templates are included as well.

Things to Do With This Craft

There are many different things you can do with this Insect Craft, but here are a few of my favorites.

  1. Print multiple copies of each insect. Laminate the pages and let students play a matching game with the insects. Print the version with the name of the insect already printed or the blank lines so kids can write in the bug’s name as they work.
  2. Complete the craft after a study on insects and bugs. Print the kid, jar, and bug templates and help kids assemble their pieces. The kids get to color their own bugs according to what they learned.
  3. Use the craft to learn about first letter sounds. Kids can study the letters that start each of the bugs included. Once the crafts are complete, hang them on the wall for kids to review the new letters they learned about.
  4. Practice writing by printing all of the templates on the blank line versions. Let kids write the names of the insects to practice their handwriting and spelling skills.
  5. Make a book! Print a copy of each bug for each kid and let them color their pictures. Then, staple the pages together so they have a fun book they can read over and over.

My Favorite Insect Craft is super easy to download, print, prep, and assemble. Use it for morning work, a fun activity at home, a homeschool craft, a preschool letter recognition activity, a kindergarten review study, and so much more. Have fun learning about insects and bugs and completing this adorable craft!

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Picture of Laura Bensley

Laura Bensley

Former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.

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Laura Bensley Crafty Bee Creations

HI, I'm Laura

Hi, Iโ€™m Laura and I am the creator of Crafty Bee Creations.ย  I am a former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.ย  I have a passion for designing craft resources that are not only fun and engaging but work childrenโ€™s fine motor skills too!ย 


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