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9 Adorable Dot-It Summer Crafts That Are Fun To Make

What’s more fun than a summer craft? A Dot-It Summer Craft where you get to use paint of course. A really great way to practice fine motor skills with young children is to do activities that require them to use the pincher grasp (as if they are holding a pencil). With these dot it summer crafts, your kids will be using a q-tip or the end of an eraser to fill in the dots on the objects. It’s super easy to put together and the kids love it. Plus, it takes them a little while to complete so you have time to sit back and relax. I’ll show you what’s involved.

Dot It Summer Craft

How to Prep My Dot It Summer Crafts

Each of the summer craft templates comes premade with tons of tiny dots. Let your kids decorate their craft any way they want, or create a final copy that is used as a model. Some kids will copy your creation to a T, while others will fill them in with rainbow colors.

I like to lay out a paper plate or dish with paint colors. Sometimes I offer only the colors needed for the craft and other times I give them a rainbow of colors. Then, let the kids use q-tips or the eraser end of a pencil to dot their craft. They dip the utensil in the paint and then place it on their paper. It’s that easy.

Dot It Summer Craft

When to Use My Dot It Craft

These crafts are fantastic to use all summer long. If you are in the classroom, they make a great reward activity when your class shows good behavior. If you are headed back to the classroom soon, they make a super fun activity to get kids used to the room and to watch their pincer grip so you know how to help them move forward.

Stay-at-home parents and homeschooling parents can easily use this craft during their daily routine as well. It’s a nice activity to practice following directions by matching the colors to the model craft or through listening skills. You might tell the kids to dot each part of the craft in a certain color and see if they listen carefully.

Dot It Summer Craft

What is a Paint Dauber?

I have been asked if these dot-it crafts can be used with paint daubers, and they can! You just have to find paint daubers that are small enough for the dots on these templates. The dots are the size of a q-tip or the end of a pencil, so just keep that in mind.

If you don’t know what a paint dauber is, it’s a paint-filled tube with a sponge-like material on the end. When you turn it over so the spongy part is down, it fills with paint and you can then press it onto paper, leaving a small dot. People often use them for Bingo cards or games where you have to mark a card, but they are also great crafting tools.

Dot It Summer Craft

They also make spongs dabbers that can be found at craft stores or online. They usually come in a variety of sizes, so you might be able to find some that are small enough for this craft. These would be nice to have on hand because you can use a variety of paint colors and then rinse the sponge brushes to reuse them!

Which Crafts Come With This Pack?

There are 9 different summer related crafts to choose from in this pack. Do just a few or all of them! We like to do 1 to 2 a week to make them last, but they’re great for parties, events, school, or just for fun.

The crafts included are Fish, Ice Cream, Pineapple, Popsicle, Sand Bucket, Sโ€™more, Sun, Turtle, and Watermelon. The perfect combination of objects to round out your summer festivities.

Dot It Summer Craft

Whether you are using these Dot-it Summer Crafts in the classroom during small groups, to decorate your bulletin boards, or to practice fine motor skills, kids will absolutely adore them. Grab them now before summer is over and use them to study all things summer. Enjoy!

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Dot it Summer Crafts
Picture of Laura Bensley

Laura Bensley

Former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.

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Laura Bensley Crafty Bee Creations

HI, I'm Laura

Hi, Iโ€™m Laura and I am the creator of Crafty Bee Creations.ย  I am a former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.ย  I have a passion for designing craft resources that are not only fun and engaging but work childrenโ€™s fine motor skills too!ย 


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