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Adorably Simple Cotton Candy Craft for Young Kids

A tasty treat I haven’t had in forever is cotton candy! I remember going to the carnival or fair in town and begging my parents for blue and pink spun sugar. It was always so messy but delicious. Now you can buy it pre-made in stores and it always brings back great memories. If your kids love cotton candy as much as any other child, try making this Cotton Candy Craft with them!

Cotton Candy Craft

The craft is perfect for any time of year and kids of any age can help assemble it. There are minimal pieces so it’s very easy to do and always leaves a smile on our faces.

What Included in the Cotton Candy Craft Download

The cotton candy craft comes with a template to be printed on colored construction paper as well as a two-page template that is perfect for coloring.

Along with the craft template, comes step-by-step directions for putting the craft together. Kids of all ages will love making their own adorable cotton candy friend. The silly tongue hanging out of its mouth is always a fun addition.

Cotton Candy Craft
Kids will love coloring their very own cotton candy craft activity to hang on a bulletin board or take home.

How to Assemble a Cotton Candy Craft

Putting this craft together is very easy. Just print your templates onto colored cardstock or construction paper and lay out your materials. The instructions included in the download will detail which colors to use if you want to follow the pattern exactly. Get creative with your colors or print multiple so the kids can choose their own color variations. Kids will cut out their paper wrapping, cotton candy top, and facial features and then get started following these steps.

  1. First, lay your white stripe on top of your blue paper wrapping. These can be printed in any color you would like, I just used blue.
  2. Next, glue your cotton candy piece just behind the paper wrapping so it looks like it’s inside the cone.
  3. Then, add the cotton candy’s eyes, mouth, and tongue! Don’t forget to add the cute little rosy cheeks too.

Watch how simple it is to prep and create this Cotton Candy Craft by watching this short video!

How to Use Your Cotton Candy Craft Activity

This adorable cotton candy craft is extremely versatile and is easy to use for many activities. Use the craft to study the letter C with preschool and kindergarten students. It’s a fun activity to do as you introduce the letter C and the sounds it makes, especially since Cotton Candy has two Cs in it.

The completed craft also makes a great bulletin board display for the start of a school year, the beginning of summer, getting ready for a school carnival, or just for fun. The kids will enjoy making their own cotton candy buddy and displaying it for everyone to see.

Pair this activity with a fun taste testing activity as well. See if kids like the taste of different kinds of cotton candy. Let them discover how it melts in their mouth. If you have a cotton candy machine, show kids how cotton candy is made. There are tons of videos on Youtube that would allow them to see this as well.

Cotton Candy Craft Activity
The smiling cotton candy craft makes a bulletin board that POPS!

For more fun treat-themed crafts, check out these fun blog posts:

I hope you enjoy crafting this sweet cotton candy with your kiddos at home or in the classroom! You will love how simple it is to plan and the kids will love how adorable the activity turns out.

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Cotton Candy Craft
Picture of Laura Bensley

Laura Bensley

Former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.

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Laura Bensley Crafty Bee Creations

HI, I'm Laura

Hi, Iโ€™m Laura and I am the creator of Crafty Bee Creations.ย  I am a former preschool teacher turned business owner that now creates educational resources for teachers in the classroom, homeschool, and daycare setting.ย  I have a passion for designing craft resources that are not only fun and engaging but work childrenโ€™s fine motor skills too!ย 


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