One of my favorite themes during the school year is our unit on farm animals! I have my students create multiple farm animal crafts and we make a cute bulletin board display when we are all done. We like to call it our, “Class Farm.” While creating the animals, we love to learn about them by reading plenty of stories about farm animals. This Farm Animals Craft Bundle is full of 9 different crafts to fill up your barnyard.

Farm Animals Included in the Bundle
My favorite farm animal craft is the cute pink pig. Pigs are so fun, they roll around in the mud and get messy, just like kids. While completing this pig craft, we talk about the noises they make and what they eat. Kids find it hilarious that pigs eat something called “slop”!

My second favorite farm animal craft is the cow. They’re so gentle and beautiful. I like letting the kids color their own cow. We make white cows with black spots and black cows with no spots and even brown cows with black spots. The kids like to pretend that those cows make their chocolate milk! I should mention, all of these crafts can be printed on plain paper for the kids to color OR you can print them on colored cardstock and skip the coloring!

The chick is another classic craft. Every child knows what a chick is and the sound it makes, so it’s perfect for learning about the farm. They’re cute and fluffy and brightly colored. I love using these to bring a pop of color to the room and their perfect for spring!

Then, there’s the sheep! Another fluffy farm animal that kids love to learn about. We talk about sheep’s wool and what it is used for. The kids check out their shirt tags to see if their clothing is made of wool. If we have time, we cover the sheep in cotton balls to make it more realistic.

Then, we can’t forget about the horse, the most majestic animal on the farm yet! We talk about who has ridden a horse and who would like to. I’m always surprised to hear about someone who OWNS a horse. I tell them about the time I rode a horse with my family and my horse decided it was hot and tired. It walked straight into a pond we walked by and lowered itself into the water with me on its’ back!! ????

Next up is the goat. Did you know that goats can also produce milk and we make cheese out of it? Kids are fascinated by this fact. They assume that all animals on a farm serve a purpose, so we make sure to tell them how important goats are too!

Every farm has a dog. A loyal companion to alert the barnyard of danger, herd the sheep and keep the farmer company after a long days work. This friendly pup is a great craft to color for morning work or after finishing a writing assignment.

Finally, there’s the farmer. Kids can make their own farmer to tend to their little farm. While doing all of these crafts we listen to plenty of farm animal stories but our absolute favorite is Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle. She has a whole series about the little truck that involves all kinds of farm animals.

How To Make the Animal Crafts
Each of these farm animal crafts is easy to cut out and glue together. We have used the individual crafts to study one animal or one letter, but I always save a few from each unit. This way I can use them to display a variety of animals in a barnyard for an end of year bulletin board.
All nine crafts include elaborate instructions to help you through the activities and either a card stock or plain paper template to print for your little ones. You can’t go wrong practicing fine motor skills while learning about animals.
Farm Animal Rooster Freebie

Oh! I can’t forget to mention the FREE Rooster craft that’s available, too! We use the rooster craft to study the letter R and to talk about the alarm clock of the farm. I don’t know about you, but right down the road we have a rooster and we can hear him crow every morning. At first I found it annoying, but now I admire that little rooster for his daily job. Someone has to do it!
All of the Farm Animal Crafts are great for fine motor development in preschool and kindergarten aged kids. I hope these fun crafts help your little ones learn about farm animals and farm life.