This October, teach little ones about fire safety and the importance of our neighborhood firefighters. Many people appreciate fire safety month during October by reviewing fire safety in their homes, schools and other buildings. We usually focus on it for an entire week so the kids remember what has been taught. You can help your kids remember how to be safe in case of a fire with this firefighter craft!

The Three P’s of Fire Safety
There are many ways to promote fire safety, but an easy way to remember them is by using the 3 P’s! Prevent, Plan and Practice!
You can prevent fires by installing working smoke detectors in your home, paying close attention while cooking food and avoiding smoking indoors. You can also be sure to clean your dryer ducts!
Create a plan with your family (and your class) that lets everyone know what they will do and where they will go in case of a fire. You can draw out a map with all windows and doors marked and keep it in the house. You can also role play how you would get out to practice.
Practice the plan by walking the escape route and meeting at the location you have chosen. Try to find a time every month to practice the plan! While you can make it fun, be sure the kids know how important it is to remember the steps and listen while they do these activities.
Of course, you can make it fun by completing this craft afterwards!

How to Use This Firefighter Craft
The firefighter craft comes with easy to use templates that can be printed or traced onto cardstock. You or your little ones can cut out the shapes and piece them together. There are step by step directions for completing the activity as well.
This craft is the perfect activity to do after studying fire safety. You can have your students write about how they can stay safe when it comes to fires. They can write their escape plan or even how they can prevent fires.
The craft is also great to use when studying careers. Students can learn about firefighters and why they are so important and then complete this activity to wrap up the unit.
Display a bulletin board with all of their creations and wording that says something like, “Fire Prevention Week” or “Fire Safety Week”. You can even list important rules to remember! This will remind kids of what they learned and you can review them all week long!

Fire Safety Bundle
Sometimes, we do one craft a day to stretch out the fun lessons! This Fire Safety Bundle has 8 crafts that help kids learn about fires and how to stay safe. Included in the bundle are:
- Dalmation Craft
- Firefighter Craft
- Fire Craft
- Fire Hydrant Craft
- Fire Hat and Badge Craft
- Fire Department Craft
- Fire Truck Craft
- Fireman and Hose Craft
It’s fun to have each child create a different fire safety craft and then put up a giant bulletin board display to teach others what we have learned!

I hope you enjoy these adorable crafts and your kiddos like learning about fire safety!