Everyone defines being a superhero in a different way. You may think of a superhero in the superhuman sense of the word. You may think of a superhero when you think of a loved one. You may think of a superhero when you think of a teacher or community helper. There are millions of superheros in our world if we just look around. To celebrate ALL superheroes, we use this superhero craft in our classroom.

How to Use the Superhero Craft
I love using this superhero craftivity in a variety of ways throughout the year. We have used it to discuss our superhero parents, our superhero community helpers and even our imaginary superhero friends. Regardless of how we use the craft and writing activity, kids LOVE it.
The craft comes with 6 different writing prompts so you can cater the craft to your needs. The writing prompts have students writing about what it means to be a superhero, what it would be like to be a superhero and how they can be a super student!

When kids think of superheroes, they all think of something different. I like to remind them that anyone can be a superhero. For example, the grocery clerk can be a superhero because they help get food onto everyone’s tables. Kids don’t always think of the superheroes in their everyday lives and it’s a great reminder for them.
If we use the super student writing prompt, we brainstorm all the ways we can be great students in and out of the classroom. We go over ways to make responsible choices in the room, walking in the hallways, eating in the cafeteria and even playing outside. The kids help me fill out a little chart on the board or a giant sheet of paper so we can refer to our answers throughout the year.

Just for fun, we also discuss what everyone would choose as their superpower. I would love to have super speed so I don’t have to drive from place to place anymore. It’s fun to listen to the kids reasons for their answers. We record our answers on chart paper and make a graph to compare which powers everyone would prefer to have.
What is Needed for This Craft?
Making this craft is simple! All you need is the downloadable template, colored cardstock or construction paper, scissors, glue, and a pencil. The step by step instructions guide you through how to print the templates you need onto your desired paper. After that, all you have to do it cut out the pieces and have the students assemble.

Once assembled, students fill in their responses on the writing prompt paper and then add that to the super hero. I recommend doing the writing before gluing it down so they kids aren’t writing on top of mushy glue.
When Should I Use this Craft?
This craft can be used year round and is very versatile. I have used it to celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Day. We write a piece about how our parents and guardians are our superheroes. I have also used it to study community helpers and how amazing they are in our lives. The superhero craft is great for celebrating our amazing teachers and letting them know how super they are as well. The uses for this craft are endless and I’d love to hear your ideas for how it can be used!

I hope you and your little ones enjoy writing about superheros (fiction and nonfiction) and displaying this craft in your room or hallway.
Check out the craft being made below!

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