Did you know that jellyfish have no brain, heart, bones, or eyes? Their jelly-like bodies float around in the ocean like squishy umbrellas. They are extremely cool to watch, but watch out for their stinging tentacles! Kids will love learning fascinating facts about jellyfish and then completing their own jellyfish craft! Use this fun craft while learning about jellyfish or just celebrating the fun of the ocean and summer.

How to Complete the Jellyfish Craft
Having a fun craft on hand is the perfect way to wrap up an exciting unit or just to do for fun. This Jellyfish Craft comes with everything you need to get started (except the glue).
Download your template and then print onto your desired paper. I like to print our crafts onto construction paper or cardstock for durability. I typically use colored paper so all the kids have to do is cut the craft out and assemble it with their gluesticks.
For this craft, I used purple paper for the jellyfish body, green paper for the spots, and a mixture of purple and blue for the tentacles. Feel free to get creative with the colors you use.

Alternate Jellyfish Craft Options
The kids can also use the coloring page templates to color their crafts if they wish. This is a great alternative to practice fine motor skills in preschool and kindergarten students. They will be able to customize their sweet crafts using crayons, colored pencils, or markers.
Both templates come with step by step instructions for the craft as well as a photo of the completed craft so you know how to assemble it. All of the templates are labeled so there won’t be any confusion while you assemble.

Watch this video to see how I prepare and construct the jellyfish craft. The steps are super simple and the results will leave everyone smiling.
What to Use The Jellyfish Craft for
Use this craft to study the letter J! Kids in preschool and lower elementary will enjoy learning about each letter of the alphabet and then pairing it with a craft.
Any craft is fantastic for working on fine motor skills. Set this craft up in an area where you can work one on one with the children as needed to complete the craft. Help them with cutting and scissor skills as well as coloring skills. They can also work on their gluestick skills.
Grab this craft as a fun way to decorate the hallway as students leave for the end of a school year or come back to school in July.
If you are creating a bulletin board display, try some of these cute sayings!
- Commotion in the Ocean
- Welcome to our Sea
- Countdown to Summer
- Happy to SEA you
- What’s Swimming?
- Let’s Explore!
- Don’t be Jelly of our Classroom
Grab the Jellyfish Craft and get creative!
More Fun & Easy Ocean Animal Crafts
If you are creating an ocean themed bulletin board, you will want to check out all of the other ocean animals I have to offer. The Ocean Animals Bundle Craft is packed with fun crafts that will make your walls bright and colorful. Curious which animals are included? Here’s what is inside:
- Crab Craft
- Dolphin Craft
- Fish Craft
- Jellyfish Craft
- Octopus Craft
- Pufferfish Craft
- Scuba Diver Craft
- Seahorse Craft
- Shark Craft
- Turtle Craft
- Whale Craft
- Starfish Craft
- Stingray Craft
These fun animals are a fantastic way to get excited for summer, learn about aquatic animals, and have some fun!